The Power of Advocacy

Doing all we can to act in responsible ways is hard work, and it can be consuming. And there may be times or events in our lives that inspire us, or call us more strongly, to become advocates for a particular cause. Perhaps it’s for clean, safe drinking water for our community. Or access to information about chemical waste products impacting the local environment. Maybe it’s about how agricultural practices in our community are limiting access to pure food. Or how the air is being polluted for any number of reasons. Perhaps the forests in our area are suffering from unsustainable industry policies. Or maybe the reefs in the ocean near our homes are being destroyed by development. Municipal development policies. oceans, farms, reefs, forests, air, drinking water, toxins in our products, toxins in our agriculture, inequality in our infrastructures, inaccuracies or failures in our educational systems, legal loopholes, negative political incentives, and many more reasons play a role in the environmental challenges to our personal health and longevity, as well as that of our planet. Learning how to organize and use our collective voice is a powerful way to send much needed messages, and to improve environmental health for all.

The video below provides an example of a community presented with an environmental health challenge and the opportunities it created for them to demonstrate advocacy. 


1 Videos

Enacting Advocacy

A Nurse Case Study of Community Involvement

Read about the actions Susan Luck took in her own community to bring meaningful change to the quality of the water in her area. Advocacy is necessary to bring large scale change to an area and while it may feel like a huge undertaking, all it takes is a first step to get going on the right direction. 

Approx. Reading Time: 5 min

Number of Pages: 2


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Click through the tabs below to learn more about causes worth advocating for.  

Resources to further support and grow Advocacy

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